Friday 31 March 2017

Banbury story of a cock and a bull: Word of the day for April 1, 2017

Banbury story of a cock and a bull , n :
(idiomatic, obsolete, slang, Britain) A roundabout, nonsensical story. To celebrate April Fools' Day, we are featuring a series of terms associated with animals. Enjoy!

Thursday 30 March 2017

moly cow: Word of the day for March 31, 2017

moly cow , n :
(chemistry, medicine, informal) A device used to extract from a source of decaying molybdenum-99 the metastable isotope 99mTc of technetium, which is the most commonly used medical radioisotope. To celebrate April Fools' Day, we are featuring a series of terms associated with animals. Enjoy!

Wednesday 29 March 2017

baked Alaska: Word of the day for March 30, 2017

baked Alaska , n :
A dessert consisting of ice cream encased in cake and meringue and briefly baked. The dessert is said to have been named by Charles Ranhofer, chef of Delmonico's in New York City, New York, USA, to mark the latter’s purchase of Alaska from the Russian Empire in 1867, 150 years ago today. However, there is no contemporary report of this fact.

Tuesday 28 March 2017

fauxtatoes: Word of the day for March 29, 2017

fauxtatoes , n :
(plural only) A dish of mashed cauliflower used as an alternative to potatoes by followers of a low-carbohydrate diet.

Monday 27 March 2017

ungainly: Word of the day for March 28, 2017

ungainly , adj :
Clumsy; lacking grace. Difficult to move or to manage; unwieldy. (obsolete) Unsuitable; unprofitable.

Sunday 26 March 2017

begging the question: Word of the day for March 27, 2017

begging the question , n :
A logical fallacy in which a premise of an argument contains a direct or indirect assumption that the conclusion is true; offering a circular argument; circular reasoning.

Saturday 25 March 2017

steampunk: Word of the day for March 26, 2017

steampunk , n :
(uncountable, neologism) A subgenre of speculative science fiction set in an anachronistic 19th-century society. (countable) A writer of steampunk fiction. (countable, cosplay) A person cosplaying as a steampunk character. American science fiction and horror author K. W. Jeter, who coined the word, was born on this day in 1950.

Friday 24 March 2017

rhematic: Word of the day for March 24, 2017

rhematic , adj :
Of or pertaining to a rheme. (linguistics) Of a part of a sentence: providing new information regarding the current theme. (Peircean semiotics) Of or pertaining to a sumisign (a sign that represents its object in respect of quality and so, in its signified interpretant, is represented as a character or mark). (obsolete) Of or pertaining to word formation. (obsolete, rare) In Coleridge's work: relating to the arrangement of words into sentences clearly. (grammar, obsolete, rare) Having a verb for its base; derived from a verb.

Thursday 23 March 2017

uptalk: Word of the day for March 23, 2017

uptalk , v :
(linguistics, intransitive) To speak with a rising intonation at the end of a sentence, as if it were a question; to upspeak.

Wednesday 22 March 2017

hydronym: Word of the day for March 22, 2017

hydronym , n :
(onomastics) The name of a river, lake, sea or any other body of water. Today is World Water Day, which focuses on the importance of fresh water and the sustainable management of freshwater resources.

greenwood: Word of the day for March 21, 2017

greenwood , n :
A forest in full leaf, as in summer. Wood that is green; in other words, not seasoned. Today is the United Nations’ International Day of Forests.

mandil: Word of the day for March 20, 2017

mandil , n :
(chiefly Persia, obsolete) A turban; cloth used to make a turban. Nowruz, the Persian New Year, falls on this day in 2017.

in spades: Word of the day for March 19, 2017

in spades , adv :
(idiomatic) In large quantities; to a high degree; to excess, without restraint. (idiomatic) Beyond doubt.

gnarly: Word of the day for March 18, 2017

gnarly , adj :
Having or characterized by gnarls; gnarled. (slang) Excellent; attractive. (slang, US) Dangerous; difficult. (slang, US) Unpleasant, awful, ugly. (slang, US) Of music or a sound: harsh. The Odd Couple, the second studio album by American soul duo Gnarls Barkley, was released digitally on this day in 2008.

shillelagh: Word of the day for March 17, 2017

shillelagh , n :
(Ireland) A wooden (especially oaken) club ending with a large knob. Any cudgel, whether or not of Irish origin. Today is Saint Patrick's Day, the feast day of the patron saint of Ireland.

axiom: Word of the day for March 16, 2017

axiom , n :
(philosophy) A seemingly self-evident or necessary truth which is based on assumption; a principle or proposition which cannot actually be proved or disproved. (logic, mathematics, proof theory) A fundamental assumption that serves as a basis for deduction of theorems (for example, "Through a pair of distinct points there passes exactly one straight line", and "All right angles are congruent"); a postulate. An established principle in some artistic practice or science that is universally received.

dibble: Word of the day for March 15, 2017

dibble , n :
A pointed implement used to make holes in the ground in which to set out plants or to plant seeds.

timescape: Word of the day for March 14, 2017

timescape , n :
A perspective over a period (particularly a long period) of time. (science fiction) A multi-dimensional view of time, especially one in which time travel occurs. Today is Pi Day, and also the birth anniversary of German-born scientist Albert Einstein, who was born in 1879.

thetan: Word of the day for March 13, 2017

thetan , n :
(Scientology) A soul, spirit or being. L. Ron Hubbard, the founder of Scientology, was born on this day in 1911.