Wednesday 28 June 2017

chunder: Word of the day for June 29, 2017

chunder , v :
(Australia, New Zealand, slang) To throw up, to vomit. Colin Hay, the lead vocalist of the Australian rock band Men at Work, was born on this day in 1953. The group’s song “Down Under” (1980; re-released 1981) contains the famous lines “I come from a land down under / Where beer does flow and men chunder”.

Picture of the day for June 29, 2017

Wikipedia picture of the day on June 29, 2017: View of the rich ceiling of the interior courtyard of the Borujerdi House, a historic house located in Kashan, Iran. The house dates from 1857 and was constructed by architect Ustad Ali Maryam for a wealthy merchant as proof of love to his wife.

Tuesday 27 June 2017

honda: Word of the day for June 28, 2017

honda , n :
(western US) A closed loop or eyelet at one end of a lariat or lasso, through which the other end of the rope is passed to form a much larger loop. (western US) A grommet or other device intended to strengthen or otherwise improve a simple rope honda.

Picture of the day for June 28, 2017

Wikipedia picture of the day on June 28, 2017: Moon light view of the Bode Museum, located on the Museum Island of Berlin, Germany. The museum, originally called the Kaiser-Friedrich-Museum (after Emperor Frederick III) and later honored to its curator, Wilhelm von Bode, was designed by architect Ernst von Ihne and completed in 1904. The museum hosts a collection of sculptures, Byzantine art, coins and medals.

Monday 26 June 2017

standee: Word of the day for June 27, 2017

standee , n :
Somebody who is forced to stand, for example, on a crowded bus. A free-standing, rigid print (usually life-sized), for instance of a celebrity, often displayed for advertising and promotional purposes; a cut-out.

Picture of the day for June 27, 2017

Wikipedia picture of the day on June 27, 2017: Oxyopes javanus is a spider in the family Oxyopidae, commonly known as Lynx spiders.

Sunday 25 June 2017

Picture of the day for June 26, 2017

Wikipedia picture of the day on June 26, 2017: Large-leaved Lupine (Lupinus polyphyllus), invasive species in wild in Ukraine.

Georgian: Word of the day for June 26, 2017

Georgian , adj :
[…] Of, from, or characteristic of the reigns of Kings George I and George II of Great Britain, and George III and George IV of the United Kingdom (1714–1830). George IV of the United Kingdom died on this day in 1830, bringing the Georgian era to an end.

Saturday 24 June 2017

Picture of the day for June 25, 2017

Wikipedia picture of the day on June 25, 2017: Tuscany is a region in central Italy with an area of about 23,000 square kilometres (8,900 square miles) and a population of about 3.8 million inhabitants (2013). The regional capital is Florence (Firenze). Tuscany is known for its landscapes, traditions, history, artistic legacy and its influence on high culture.

glen: Word of the day for June 25, 2017

glen , n :
A secluded and narrow valley, especially one with a river running through it; a dale; a depression between hills.

Friday 23 June 2017

Picture of the day for June 24, 2017

Wikipedia picture of the day on June 24, 2017: Ceiling of the Sioni Cathedral, a Georgian Orthodox cathedral in Tbilisi, capital of Georgia. The cathedral is situated in historic Sionis Kucha (Sioni Street) in downtown Tbilisi. It was initially built in the 6th and 7th centuries. Since then, it has been destroyed by foreign invaders and reconstructed several times. The current church is based on a 13th-century version with some changes from the 17th to 19th centuries. The Sioni Cathedral was the main Georgian Orthodox Cathedral and the seat of Catholicos-Patriarch of All Georgia until the Holy Trinity Cathedral was consecrated in 2004.

drayage: Word of the day for June 24, 2017

drayage , n :
Transportation by dray. (by extension) The transport of goods over a short distance, particularly from a terminal such as an ocean port to another destination, usually as part of a longer transportation of the goods. A fee paid for the provision of such transportation.

Thursday 22 June 2017

Picture of the day for June 23, 2017

Wikipedia picture of the day on June 23, 2017: Jaguar (Panthera onca palustris): the largest sub-species of jaguar. To celebrate Olympic Day. The International Olympic Committee (IOC) was established on 23 June 1894. The Team Brazil (Time Brasil) mascot for Rio 2016 was a jaguar in Brazil's national colours of green and yellow.

linocut: Word of the day for June 23, 2017

linocut , n :
(art, printing) A type of woodcut in which a block of linoleum is used for the relief surface; the design cut into the block.

Wednesday 21 June 2017

Picture of the day for June 22, 2017

Wikipedia picture of the day on June 22, 2017: Red-legged seriema Cariama cristata, to celebrate Ladies Day (Gold Cup Day) at Royal Ascot

lagniappe: Word of the day for June 22, 2017

lagniappe , n :
(Louisiana, Mississippi, Trinidad and Tobago, uncommon) An extra or unexpected gift or benefit, such as that given to customers when they purchase something.

Tuesday 20 June 2017

Picture of the day for June 21, 2017

Wikipedia picture of the day on June 21, 2017: Panorama of Tolbachik volcano. Kamchatka Peninsula, Russia.

midnight sun: Word of the day for June 21, 2017

midnight sun , n :
The phenomenon occurring when the Sun does not set but only approaches the horizon at midnight; it occurs near the summer solstice in the polar regions. The June solstice falls on this day in 2017.

Monday 19 June 2017

Picture of the day for June 20, 2017

Wikipedia picture of the day on June 20, 2017: Kyoto Station is a major railway station and transportation hub in Kyoto, Japan. It has Japan's second-largest station building and is one of the country's largest buildings, incorporating a shopping mall, hotel, movie theater, Isetan department store, and several local government facilities under one 15-story roof. The current station opened in 1997, commemorating Kyoto's 1,200th anniversary. It is 70 meters high and 470 meters from east to west, with a total floor area of 238,000 square meters. Architecturally, it exhibits many characteristics of futurism, with a slightly irregular cubic façade of plate glass over a steel frame. The architect was Hiroshi Hara.

cravat: Word of the day for June 20, 2017

cravat , n :
A wide fabric band worn as a necktie by men having long ends hanging in front, like an ascot tie. (historical) A decorative fabric band or scarf worn around the neck by women. (surgery) A bandage resembling a cravat, particularly a triangular bandage folded into a strip. Paris Fashion Week for men’s fashion starts tomorrow in 2017.

Sunday 18 June 2017

Picture of the day for June 19, 2017

Wikipedia picture of the day on June 19, 2017: Retrochoir of the Roman Catholic cathedral of Seville, Seville, Spain. This wonderful Baroque style retrochoir is work of Miguel de Zumárraga and was finalized in 1635. It was constructed with precious materials like marmor or jasper and it's decorated with bas-relieves and bronce busts. The gothic painting in the middle shows the Virgin of Los Remedios, very popular in the Reconquista times and still very devoted in Spain. The temple is since 1987 a World Heritage Site according to the UNESCO and is the largest Gothic cathedral and the third-largest church in the world. When it was completed, at the beginning of the 16th century, it became the successor of Hagia Sophia as the largest cathedral in the world, a title the Byzantine church had held for nearly a thousand years. The cathedral is also the burial site of Christopher Columbus.

anomaloscope: Word of the day for June 19, 2017

anomaloscope , n :
(ophthalmology) An instrument used to test for color blindness by measuring quantitative and qualitative anomalies in color perception. German physiologist Willibald A. Nagel, who invented the anomaloscope, was born on this day in 1870.

Saturday 17 June 2017

Picture of the day for June 18, 2017

Wikipedia picture of the day on June 18, 2017: Himeji Castle, an UNESCO World Heritage Site, is a hilltop Japanese castle complex located in Himeji, Hyōgo Prefecture. The castle is regarded as the finest surviving example of prototypical Japanese castle architecture, comprising a network of 83 buildings with advanced defensive systems from the feudal period.

weevil: Word of the day for June 18, 2017

weevil , n :
Any of several small herbivorous beetles in the superfamily Curculionoidea, many having a distinctive snout. Any of several small herbivorous beetles in the family Curculionidae belonging to the superfamily Curculionoidea. Any of several similar but more distantly related beetles such as the biscuit weevil (Stegobium paniceum). (figuratively, derogatory) A loathsome person.

Friday 16 June 2017

parliament: Word of the day for June 17, 2017

parliament , n :
(government, politics) Meanings relating to a political body authorized to exercise governmental powers. An institution whose elected or appointed members meet to debate the major political issues of the day and usually to exercise legislative powers and sometimes judicial powers. A group of representatives of the people elected or appointed to serve as a parliament (in sense 1 above) for a certain period of time. In this sense the word is commonly used with an ordinal number (for example, first parliament and 12th parliament) or a descriptive adjective (for example, Long Parliament, Short Parliament and Rump Parliament). A flock of owls or rooks. (historical) Parliament cake, a type of gingerbread. Today is Iceland’s national day. Its Althing, founded in 930, is regarded as the oldest parliamentary institution in the world.

Picture of the day for June 17, 2017

Wikipedia picture of the day on June 17, 2017: Remains of an old pier on the beach of Juliusruh (Isle of Rügen, Germany) at sunrise. The pier was used by the fishermen of the bay Tromper Wiek.

Thursday 15 June 2017

rent-seeking: Word of the day for June 16, 2017

rent-seeking , n :
(economics) The attempt to profit by manipulating the economic or political environment, for example, by seeking subsidies.

Picture of the day for June 16, 2017

Wikipedia picture of the day on June 16, 2017: Theretra clotho, Common Hunter Hawkmoth, is a moth of the family Sphingidae. The larva is found in two color forms; green and brown. Here this brown form is on its host plant, Amorphophallus paeoniifolius.

Wednesday 14 June 2017

logion: Word of the day for June 15, 2017

logion , n :
(theology) A traditional saying of a religious leader. (specifically, Christianity) A saying that is attributed to Jesus but which is not in the Bible. Today is Corpus Christi in 2017, a festival honouring the Eucharist observed by the Roman Catholic Church and other Christian denominations.

Picture of the day for June 15, 2017

Wikipedia picture of the day on June 15, 2017: Typical landscape in the Atacama desert, the most arid place in the world, but with a special viewer, near Calama, northern Chile.

Tuesday 13 June 2017

gallimaufry: Word of the day for June 14, 2017

gallimaufry , n :
(dated) A hash of various kinds of meats, a ragout. (figuratively) Any absurd medley. Today is Bastille Day, the national day of France.

Picture of the day for June 14, 2017

Wikipedia picture of the day on June 14, 2017: Hubble Space Telescope image of Arp 273, a group of interacting galaxies, lying 300 million light years away in the constellation Andromeda.

Monday 12 June 2017

leapfrog: Word of the day for June 13, 2017

leapfrog , v :
(transitive) To jump over some obstacle, as in the game of leapfrog. (transitive) To overtake. (intransitive) To progress. (transitive, chiefly Britain, law) Of a case: to appeal or allow to be appealed directly to a supreme court, bypassing an intermediate appellate court. (transitive, military) To advance by engaging the enemy with one unit while another moves further forward.

Picture of the day for June 13, 2017

Wikipedia picture of the day on June 13, 2017: Ardon's Gate (Porte d'Ardon), Laon, Picardy, France

Sunday 11 June 2017

killer poke: Word of the day for June 12, 2017

killer poke , n :
(computing) Any method of inducing physical harm to a computer or peripheral by software means, especially by inserting invalid values into a control register or by building up harmonic oscillations in a hard disk, etc.

Picture of the day for June 12, 2017

Wikipedia picture of the day on June 12, 2017: Night view of the fortress of Bordj el Kebir and the moon over it, Mahdia, Tunisia. The fortress was built in 1595 over a squared Fatimid Caliphate palace by the Ottomans in order to resist the attacks of Spanish and Maltese vessels.

Saturday 10 June 2017

Picture of the day for June 11, 2017

Wikipedia picture of the day on June 11, 2017: Carthusian Pink (Dianthus carthusianorum) at the Buchberg near Neulengbach, Lower Austria

shoefie: Word of the day for June 11, 2017

shoefie , n :
(photography, slang, neologism) A photograph of one's own shoes taken while one is wearing them. On this day 20 years ago in 1997, the first photographs known to have been shared on a public network using a mobile phone were sent by technology innovator Philippe Kahn using a phone he had jury-rigged with a digital camera. The photographs were of his newborn daughter Sophie.