Thursday 30 November 2017

Picture of the day for December 1, 2017

Wikipedia picture of the day on December 1, 2017: Buldern manor at christmas time, Dülmen, North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany

Eurodeterrent: Word of the day for December 1, 2017

Eurodeterrent , n :
The proposed unified nuclear deterrent of the European Community (before November 1993) and the European Union (after November 1993). On this day in 2009, the Treaty of Lisbon, which amended the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union (originally the 1957 Treaty of Rome) and the Treaty on European Union (the 1992 Maastricht Treaty) that form the constitutional basis for the European Union, came into force.

Wednesday 29 November 2017

Picture of the day for November 30, 2017

Wikipedia picture of the day on November 30, 2017: Vanessa indica, Indian Red Admiral, is a butterfly found in the higher altitude regions of India. Males commonly imbibe mineralised moisture from damp ground, and also visit dung or decomposing fallen fruit.

gillie: Word of the day for November 30, 2017

gillie , n :
(Scotland, originally) A male attendant of a Scottish Highland chief. (Britain, Ireland, Scotland) A fishing and hunting guide; a man or boy who attends to a person who is fishing or hunting, especially in Scotland. Today is Saint Andrew’s Day, Scotland’s national day.

Tuesday 28 November 2017

anecdata: Word of the day for November 29, 2017

anecdata , n :
(usually humorous or pejorative) Anecdotal evidence.

Picture of the day for November 29, 2017

Wikipedia picture of the day on November 29, 2017: A Sukhoi Superjet 100 (RA-97004) of Alenia Aermacchi flying off the coast of Italy near Turin.

Monday 27 November 2017

trypophobia: Word of the day for November 28, 2017

trypophobia , n :
An irrational or obsessive fear of irregular patterns or clusters of small holes, such as those found in honeycombs.

Picture of the day for November 28, 2017

Wikipedia picture of the day on November 28, 2017: Kiyomizu-dera in Kyoto, Japan, an UNESCO World Heritage Site, is an independent Buddhist temple.

Sunday 26 November 2017

saleable: Word of the day for November 27, 2017

saleable , adj :
Suitable for sale; marketable; worth enough to try to sell. Today, the Monday after Thanksgiving, is Cyber Monday, which was introduced by marketing companies in 2005 to encourage online shopping.

Picture of the day for November 27, 2017

Wikipedia picture of the day on November 27, 2017: A concept of NASA's Mars Science Laboratory Curiosity rover, a mobile robot for investigating Mars' past or present ability to sustain microbial life. In this picture, the rover examines a rock on Mars with a set of tools at the end of the rover's arm.

Saturday 25 November 2017

creatify: Word of the day for November 26, 2017

creatify , v :
(transitive, neologism) To render more creative; to creativize. American urban theorist Richard L. Florida, who popularized the term in the 21st century, was born on this day in 1957.

Picture of the day for November 26, 2017

Wikipedia picture of the day on November 26, 2017: The Berca Mud Volcanoes are a geological and botanical reservation located close to Berca in Buzău County, Romania. The phenomenon is caused due to gases that erupt from 3,000 metres (9,800 ft) deep towards the surface, through the underground layers of clay and water, they push up underground salty water and mud, so that they overflow through the mouths of the volcanoes, while the gas emerges as bubbles as you can see in the image.

Friday 24 November 2017

biennium: Word of the day for November 25, 2017

biennium , n :
A period of two years. Today is the eve of the closing of the 2017 Venice Biennale.

Picture of the day for November 25, 2017

Wikipedia picture of the day on November 25, 2017: An immature male bee hummingbird (Mellisuga helenae), the smallest bird in the world - it weighs only 1.6 grams. It is endemic to Cuba. Today is the first anniversary of the death of Fidel Castro, President of Cuba for over 31 years.

Thursday 23 November 2017

Cambrian explosion: Word of the day for November 24, 2017

Cambrian explosion , proper n :
(evolutionary biology) The relatively rapid appearance, around 541 million years ago, of most major animal phyla, as demonstrated in the fossil record. English naturalist and geologist Charles Darwin’s book On the Origin of Species, considered the foundation of evolutionary biology, was published on this day in 1859.

Picture of the day for November 24, 2017

Wikipedia picture of the day on November 24, 2017: American red fox (Vulpes vulpes fulvus)

Wednesday 22 November 2017

Picture of the day for November 23, 2017

Wikipedia picture of the day on November 23, 2017: A high purity (99.999 %) rhenium single crystal made by the floating zone process, an ebeam remelted (99.995 %) rhenium bar and as well as a high purity (99.99 % = 4N) 1 cm3 rhenium cube for comparison.

ratfink: Word of the day for November 23, 2017

ratfink , n :
An informer or spy; a traitor. (also attributive) A dislikable or contemptible person.

Tuesday 21 November 2017

clavicytherium: Word of the day for November 22, 2017

clavicytherium , n :
(music) A harpsichord in which the soundboard and strings are mounted vertically facing the player. For some Christian churches, today is the feast day of Saint Cecilia, the patron saint of musicians.

Picture of the day for November 22, 2017

Wikipedia picture of the day on November 22, 2017: Inui-yagura Turret, guarding the outer moat of Osaka Castle and the skyline of Osaka Business Park, Osaka, Japan.

Monday 20 November 2017

Picture of the day for November 21, 2017

Wikipedia picture of the day on November 21, 2017: Female Giant kingfisher (Megaceryle maxima) smashing a tilapia against a post to break its spine on Lake Naivasha, Kenya. To celebrate World Fisheries Day.

elevator pitch: Word of the day for November 21, 2017

elevator pitch , n :
A brief and simple sales pitch; a short summary of a business plan, process, or product, and its selling point and value proposition.

Sunday 19 November 2017

Picture of the day for November 20, 2017

Wikipedia picture of the day on November 20, 2017: A view from the observation deck at the top station of the Duquesne Incline in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA. The Duquesne Incline is one of two surviving inclines in Pittsburgh, the other being the Monongahela Incline.

vigesimal: Word of the day for November 20, 2017

vigesimal , adj :
Occurring in intervals of twenty. To the base 20.

Saturday 18 November 2017

Picture of the day for November 19, 2017

Wikipedia picture of the day on November 19, 2017: The Oceania-class cruise ship MS Marina docked in Sète, Hérault, France.

ruff: Word of the day for November 19, 2017

ruff , n :
A circular frill or ruffle on a garment, especially a starched, fluted frill at the neck in Elizabethan and Jacobean England (1560s–1620s). Anything formed with plaits or flutings like a frill. Senses relating to animals. Philomachus pugnax (syn. Calidris pugnax), a gregarious, medium-sized wading bird of Eurasia; specifically, a male of the species which develops a distinctive ruff of feathers and ear tufts during mating season (the female is called a reeve). (ornithology) A set of lengthened or otherwise modified feathers on or around the neck of a bird. (zoology) A collar of lengthened or distinctively coloured fur on or around the neck of an animal. (engineering) A collar on a shaft or other piece to prevent endwise motion. (obsolete) An exhibition of haughtiness or pride. (obsolete) Tumultuous or wanton conduct or procedure.

Friday 17 November 2017

Thursday 16 November 2017

Picture of the day for November 17, 2017

Wikipedia picture of the day on November 17, 2017: Frontal view of the Central University Library of Bucharest and Carol I statue, Bucharest, Romania. The Central University Library was founded in 1895, 31 years after the foundation of the University of Bucharest, as the Carol I Library of the University Foundation. The building, designed by French architect Paul Gottereau, was completed in 1893 and opened on 14 March 1895. The volume collection has grown steadily from 3,400 volumes in 1899 to over 2 million in 1970.

baker's dozen: Word of the day for November 17, 2017

baker's dozen , n :
(idiomatic) Thirteen; a group of thirteen. (Cockney rhyming slang) A cousin. Today is apparently celebrated by some people as Homemade Bread Day.

Wednesday 15 November 2017

Picture of the day for November 16, 2017

Wikipedia picture of the day on November 16, 2017: The Kinkaku-ji, or temple of the Golden Pavillion, an UNESCO World Heritage Site, in Kyoto, Japan, as seen during Koyo, the autumnal season of colorful leaves.

vog: Word of the day for November 16, 2017

vog , n :
Air pollution caused by substances (such as sulphur dioxide) emitted by a volcano.

Tuesday 14 November 2017

Picture of the day for November 15, 2017

Wikipedia picture of the day on November 15, 2017: Agriocnemis pieris, White Dartlet, belongs to Agriocnemis genus of small damselflies (commonly known as Wisps or Dartlets) in Coenagrionidae's subfamily Agriocnemidinae.

jingoistic: Word of the day for November 15, 2017

jingoistic , adj :
Overly patriotic or nationalistic, often with an element of favouring war or an aggressive foreign policy.

Monday 13 November 2017

Picture of the day for November 14, 2017

Wikipedia picture of the day on November 14, 2017: Porsche 911 Carrera RSR, built in 1974, at the Oldtimer Grand Prix of the AvD 2011 at the Nürburgring, Germany, just before the Mercedes-Arena.

blowhard: Word of the day for November 14, 2017

blowhard , n :
(Canada, US, derogatory) A person who talks too much or too loudly, especially in a boastful or self-important manner.

Sunday 12 November 2017

Picture of the day for November 13, 2017

Wikipedia picture of the day on November 13, 2017: The Earth straddling the limb of the Moon, as seen from Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter above Compton crater. The center of the Earth in this view is 4.04°N, 12.44°W, just off the coast of Liberia. The large tan area in the upper right is the Sahara desert, with Saudia Arabia just beyond. The Atlantic and Pacific coasts of South America are visible to the left.

go it alone: Word of the day for November 13, 2017

go it alone , v :
(colloquial) To do something alone or independently, especially something that is normally or better done in groups. (card games) To play a hand without the assistance of one's partner.

Saturday 11 November 2017

Picture of the day for November 12, 2017

Wikipedia picture of the day on November 12, 2017: Swiss made needle files by Glardon/Vallorbe. Set consisting of 6 files, all 140 mm in length and Swiss cut 0.

foolhardy: Word of the day for November 12, 2017

foolhardy , adj :
Marked by unthinking recklessness with disregard for danger; boldly rash; hotheaded.

Friday 10 November 2017

Picture of the day for November 11, 2017

Wikipedia picture of the day on November 11, 2017: Hypogeum of the Amphitheatre of El Jem, an archeological site in the city of El Djem, Tunisia. At both sides of this tunnel are located the cells where the beasts for the games were kept. The amphitheatre, a UNESCO World Heritage Site since 1979, was built around 238 AD, when the modern Tunisia belonged to the Roman province of Africa. It is the third biggest amphiteatre and one of the best preserved Roman ruins in the world with capacity for 35,000 spectators within 148 metres (486 ft) and 122 metres (400 ft) long axes and unique in Africa.

bachelor's fare: Word of the day for November 11, 2017

bachelor's fare , n :
(dated) A simple meal that requires no cooking, such as bread and cheese. Today is Singles’ Day, a festival celebrating singlehood that originated from China in the 1990s. The 11th of November was chosen as the number 1 represents an individual who is alone.

Thursday 9 November 2017

Wednesday 8 November 2017

Picture of the day for November 9, 2017

Wikipedia picture of the day on November 9, 2017: Weathered tree in the game reserve, Dülmen, North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany

whatchamacallit: Word of the day for November 9, 2017

whatchamacallit , n :
(slang) A metasyntactic term used for any object the actual name of which the speaker does not know or cannot remember; a doodad, gizmo, thingamajig, thingy.

Tuesday 7 November 2017

Picture of the day for November 8, 2017

Wikipedia picture of the day on November 8, 2017: Male saffron finch (Sicalis flaveola) from the Pantanal in Brazil. The town of Saffron Walden got its name because the saffron crocus became an important crop in the 16th Century.

Montezuma's revenge: Word of the day for November 8, 2017

Montezuma's revenge , n :
(humorous) Diarrhea experienced by tourists after drinking water or eating food in Mexico as a result of a bacteria strain to which native Mexicans are immune. Aztec ruler Montezuma or Moctezuma II met Spanish conquistador Hernán Cortés for the first time on this day in 1519.

Monday 6 November 2017

Picture of the day for November 7, 2017

Wikipedia picture of the day on November 7, 2017: Bottom view of an iwan in the Jameh Mosque of Isfahan, Isfahan, Iran. The mosque, an UNESCO World Heritage site, is one of the oldest still standing buildings in Iran and it has been continuously changing its architecture since it was erected in 771 until the 20th century.

Vukovian: Word of the day for November 7, 2017

Vukovian , n :
(historical) Chiefly in the plural form Vukovians: a member of a group of Croatian linguists active at the end of the 19th and the beginning of the 20th century who supported the ideas of Serbian philologist and linguist Vuk Karadžić (1787–1864) concerning the standardization of the Croatian variety of the Serbo-Croatian language. Vuk Karadžić was born on this day 230 years ago in 1787.

Sunday 5 November 2017

Picture of the day for November 6, 2017

Wikipedia picture of the day on November 6, 2017: Papilio polytes, Common Mormon, is a common species of swallowtail butterfly widely distributed across Asia. Here the female is in the form stichius, mimicking unpalatable Pachliopta aristolochiae.

Bolshevism: Word of the day for November 6, 2017

Bolshevism , n :
The strategy used by the Bolsheviks in attempting to gain power in Russia. The Communist totalitarian political ideology adopted by the Russian Soviet Federative Socialist Republic and the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics; Marxism-Leninism. The 100th anniversary of the October Revolution (7–8 November 1917; 25–26 October in the Old Style calendar), which led to the rise of the Soviet Union, takes place this year.

Saturday 4 November 2017

loss leader: Word of the day for November 5, 2017

loss leader , n :
(marketing) An item that is sold at or below cost in an effort to stimulate other profitable sales.

Picture of the day for November 5, 2017

Wikipedia picture of the day on November 5, 2017: Main hall of Kiyomizu-dera, an independent Buddhist temple in eastern Kyoto. It is part of the Historic Monuments of Ancient Kyoto (Kyoto, Uji and Otsu Cities) UNESCO World Heritage site.

Friday 3 November 2017

froth at the mouth: Word of the day for November 4, 2017

froth at the mouth , v :
To spew saliva as froth. (figuratively) To rage, to vent one's anger.

Picture of the day for November 4, 2017

Wikipedia picture of the day on November 4, 2017: Diesel locomotive ChME3-5947 in Vinnitsa railway station. This locomotive was manufactured in November, 1987.

Thursday 2 November 2017

bokeh: Word of the day for November 3, 2017

bokeh , n :
(photography) A subjective aesthetic quality of out-of-focus areas of an image projected by a camera lens. Culture Day is observed in Japan on this day to promote culture, the arts, and academic endeavour.

Picture of the day for November 3, 2017

Wikipedia picture of the day on November 3, 2017: Southeast transept of Saint Karl Borromaeus church at Vienna Central Cemetery

Wednesday 1 November 2017

Picture of the day for November 2, 2017

Wikipedia picture of the day on November 2, 2017: Black-backed jackal (Canis mesomelas) feeding on a springbok carcass, Etosha National Park, Namibia

forlorn: Word of the day for November 2, 2017

forlorn , adj :
Abandoned, deserted, left behind. Miserable, as when lonely after being abandoned. Unlikely to succeed.