Wednesday 31 January 2018

Picture of the day for February 1, 2018

Wikipedia picture of the day on February 1, 2018: Facade of ARD-Hauptstadtstudio in Berlin-Mitte. ARD-Hauptstadtstudio is a television studio in Berlin operated jointly by the members of the federal broadcasting network ARD.

ASMRtist: Word of the day for February 1, 2018

ASMRtist , n :
(informal, neologism) A person who creates audiovisual material designed to induce an autonomous sensory meridian response (ASMR; a claimed biological phenomenon involving a pleasurable tingling in response to a stimulus).

Tuesday 30 January 2018

Picture of the day for January 31, 2018

Wikipedia picture of the day on January 31, 2018: Loxura atymnus, Yamfly, is a species of Lycaenidae found in Asia.

deep state: Word of the day for January 31, 2018

deep state , n :
(politics, conspiracy theories) A large group of people, typically members of government agencies and the military, believed to have long-lasting political influence that is difficult for an administration voted into power to counter.

Monday 29 January 2018

Picture of the day for January 30, 2018

Wikipedia picture of the day on January 30, 2018: 2 US Navy E-2C Hawkeye flying by Mount Fuji, Japan

soft-spoken: Word of the day for January 30, 2018

soft-spoken , adj :
Having a pleasant, gentle, mild manner of speech; speaking gently or quietly.

Sunday 28 January 2018

Picture of the day for January 29, 2018

Wikipedia picture of the day on January 29, 2018: A local train to Tirano, hauled by a RhB ABe 8/12 "Allegra" EMU, pushes a plow (Xk 9144) to clear the snow that has accumulated between the rails, just after Ospizio Bernina, Switzerland.

careworn: Word of the day for January 29, 2018

careworn , adj :
Showing the signs of long-term stress; tired and haggard due to prolonged worry.

Saturday 27 January 2018

if anything: Word of the day for January 28, 2018

if anything , adv :
(idiomatic) Used after a negative statement to suggest the opposite is true. (idiomatic) Used to suggest or state tentatively that something may be the case (often the opposite of something previously implied). (idiomatic) Used in questions when the speaker does not know for sure if the listener will have an answer.

Picture of the day for January 28, 2018

Wikipedia picture of the day on January 28, 2018: Hand made model Subaru Impreza WRC 2001. Scale 1:24

Friday 26 January 2018

community: Word of the day for January 27, 2018

community , n :
(countable) A group sharing a common understanding, and often the same language, law, manners, and/or tradition. (countable) A residential or religious collective; a commune. (countable, ecology) A group of interdependent organisms inhabiting the same region and interacting with each other. (countable, Internet) A group of people interacting by electronic means for educational, professional, social, or other purposes; a virtual community. (uncountable) The condition of having certain attitudes and interests in common.

Picture of the day for January 27, 2018

Wikipedia picture of the day on January 27, 2018: Eiffel Tower and Pont Alexandre III at night in Paris, France.

Thursday 25 January 2018

drop bear: Word of the day for January 26, 2018

drop bear , n :
(cryptozoology) A fictional Australian marsupial in the form of a large, carnivorous koala said to fall upon its prey from treetops. Happy Australia Day from all of us at the Wiktionary!

Picture of the day for January 26, 2018

Wikipedia picture of the day on January 26, 2018: Amber Fort in Jaipur, India

Wednesday 24 January 2018

haggis: Word of the day for January 25, 2018

haggis , n :
A traditional Scottish dish made from minced sheep offal with oatmeal and spices, etc., originally boiled in the stomach of a sheep but now often in an artificial casing, and usually served with neeps and tatties (mashed swede and potatoes) and accompanied with whisky. Burns night is held on this date in celebration of the Scottish poet and lyricist Robert Burns (born on 25 January 1759), and usually involves Scottish foods and recitals of his poetry.

Picture of the day for January 25, 2018

Wikipedia picture of the day on January 25, 2018: A hungry savanna hawk (Buteogallus meridionalis) from the Pantanal in Brazil.

Tuesday 23 January 2018

swarf: Word of the day for January 24, 2018

swarf , n :
The waste chips or shavings from an abrasive activity.

Picture of the day for January 24, 2018

Wikipedia picture of the day on January 24, 2018: Arabesque Room in the Catherine Palace in Pushkin, Saint Petersburg, Russia.

Monday 22 January 2018

glossolalia: Word of the day for January 23, 2018

glossolalia , n :
Speaking a language one does not know, or speaking elaborate but apparently meaningless speech, while in a trance-like state (or, supposedly, under the influence of a deity or spirits); speaking in tongues. Xenoglossy (“knowledge of a language one has never learned”).

Picture of the day for January 23, 2018

Wikipedia picture of the day on January 23, 2018: Portrait of three lions (one female and two males) of a pride, all resting at morning time. Taken in Masai Mara, southwest Kenya.

Sunday 21 January 2018

tickety-boo: Word of the day for January 22, 2018

tickety-boo , adj :
(chiefly Britain, informal) Correct, satisfactory.

Picture of the day for January 22, 2018

Wikipedia picture of the day on January 22, 2018: VKG Ojamaa mine for oil shale extraction, using an Atlas Copco underground loader.

Saturday 20 January 2018

breadbasket: Word of the day for January 21, 2018

breadbasket , n :
A basket used for storing or carrying bread. A region which has favourable conditions to produce a large quantity of grain or, by extension, other food products; a food bowl. (humorous) The abdomen or stomach, especially as a vulnerable part of the body in an attack.

Picture of the day for January 21, 2018

Wikipedia picture of the day on January 21, 2018: Engineers successfully tested the parachutes for NASA's Orion spacecraft at the U.S. Army Yuma Proving Ground in Arizona Wednesday, March 8, 2017. This was the second test in a series of eight that will certify Orion's parachutes for human spaceflight. The test, which dropped an Orion engineering model from a C-17 aircraft at 25,000 feet, simulated the descent astronauts might experience if they have to abort a mission after liftoff.

Friday 19 January 2018

intuit: Word of the day for January 20, 2018

intuit , v :
To know intuitively or by immediate perception.

Picture of the day for January 20, 2018

Wikipedia picture of the day on January 20, 2018: True color image of Mars taken by the OSIRIS instrument on the European Space Agency (ESA) Rosetta spacecraft during its February 2007 flyby of the planet.

Thursday 18 January 2018

Picture of the day for January 19, 2018

Wikipedia picture of the day on January 19, 2018: Scots Pine (Pinus sylvestris), east part of Utö, Haninge Municipality, Stockholm archipelago, Sweden. In the background the Baltic Sea, with some sea smoke.

ununennium: Word of the day for January 19, 2018

ununennium , n :
The systematic element name for the (as yet undiscovered) chemical element with an atomic number of 119 (symbol Uue).

Wednesday 17 January 2018

Picture of the day for January 18, 2018

Wikipedia picture of the day on January 18, 2018: Young European bison (Bison bonasus) in the Wisentgehege Springe game park near Springe, Hanover, Germany. The European bison or wisent is the heaviest of the surviving land animals in Europe, with males growing to around 1,000 kg (2,200 lb). European bison were hunted to extinction in the wild, but have since been reintroduced from captivity into several countries.

frangible: Word of the day for January 18, 2018

frangible , adj :
Able to be broken; breakable, fragile.

Tuesday 16 January 2018

Picture of the day for January 17, 2018

Wikipedia picture of the day on January 17, 2018: The commuter ferry Emelie arriving in Henriksdalshamnen, Stockholm. In the background, Norra Hammarbyhamnen (Södermalm).

emasculate: Word of the day for January 17, 2018

emasculate , v :
(transitive) To deprive of virile or procreative power; to castrate, to geld. (transitive) To deprive of masculine vigor or spirit; to weaken; to render effeminate; to vitiate by unmanly softness. (transitive, botany) Of a flower: to deprive of the anthers.

Monday 15 January 2018

serac: Word of the day for January 16, 2018

serac , n :
Often sérac: a hard, cone-shaped, pale green, strongly flavoured cheese from Switzerland made from skimmed cowmilk and blue fenugreek (Trigonella caerulea); Schabziger, Sapsago. It is usually eaten grated, mixed with butter, or in a fondue. (geography (glaciology)) A sharp tower of ice formed by intersecting crevasses of a glacier.

Picture of the day for January 16, 2018

Wikipedia picture of the day on January 16, 2018: Fluorescence and birefringence of 445 nm blue laser in calcite crystal

Sunday 14 January 2018

obtuse: Word of the day for January 15, 2018

obtuse , adj :
Intellectually dull or dim-witted. Indirect or circuitous. Of sound, etc.: deadened, muffled, muted. (geometry) Of an angle: greater than 90 degrees but less than 180 degrees. (geometry) Of a triangle: having one obtuse angle. (now chiefly botany, zoology) Not sharp; blunt.

Picture of the day for January 15, 2018

Wikipedia picture of the day on January 15, 2018: Panorama of Lake Baikal, seen from Olkhon Island. Irkutsk Oblast, Russia.

Saturday 13 January 2018

Picture of the day for January 14, 2018

Wikipedia picture of the day on January 14, 2018: Emirates airline Airbus A380-861 (reg. A6-EER, msn 139) departing 26L at Munich Airport, Germany.

windsucker: Word of the day for January 14, 2018

windsucker , n :
A horse with the habit of windsucking. (archaic) […] The common kestrel (Falco tinnunculus). (derogatory) A term of abuse.

Friday 12 January 2018

bolt-on: Word of the day for January 13, 2018

bolt-on , n :
An accessory that can be attached by bolting it on. An additional functionality or service for a mobile telephone subscription.

Picture of the day for January 13, 2018

Wikipedia picture of the day on January 13, 2018: Whale Shark (Rhincodon typus). Face portrait of an 8-meter individual filter-feeding plankton at night. His eye is clearly visible. His upper lip shows recent scars – whale sharks steal food from fishermen nets and the fishermen hit them in the mouth to try to discourage them. Thaa Atoll, Maldives

Thursday 11 January 2018

upcycle: Word of the day for January 12, 2018

upcycle , v :
(transitive) To convert (waste materials, etc.) into new materials or products of higher quality and greater functionality. (transitive) To promote into a more productive or useful role.

Picture of the day for January 12, 2018

Wikipedia picture of the day on January 12, 2018: City of Salzburg (Austria) with its old town and its fortress, view from Mönchsberg

Wednesday 10 January 2018

Everester: Word of the day for January 11, 2018

Everester , n :
Someone who climbs Mount Everest. New Zealand mountaineer Sir Edmund Hillary died on this day ten years ago in 2008. On 29 May 1953, Hillary and Tenzing Norgay became the first climbers known to have reached the summit of Mount Everest, the highest mountain on Earth above sea level.

Picture of the day for January 11, 2018

Wikipedia picture of the day on January 11, 2018: Ceiling light fixture in Hofstatt Mall, Munich.

Tuesday 9 January 2018

spendthrift: Word of the day for January 10, 2018

spendthrift , adj :
Improvident, profligate, or wasteful. Extravagant or lavish.

Picture of the day for January 10, 2018

Wikipedia picture of the day on January 10, 2018: An old Motosacoche motorcycle with skis mounted on its sides. 1914-1918.

Monday 8 January 2018

man down: Word of the day for January 9, 2018

man down , v :
(transitive, idiomatic) To lose courage or cause to lose courage. (transitive) To reduce in manpower. (transitive, chiefly falconry) To train (a raptor or other type of bird) to become accustomed to the presence of people; to man.

Picture of the day for January 9, 2018

Wikipedia picture of the day on January 9, 2018: Aurora in Estonia.

Sunday 7 January 2018

mendacity: Word of the day for January 8, 2018

mendacity , n :
(uncountable) The fact or condition of being untruthful; dishonesty. (countable) A deceit, falsehood, or lie.

Picture of the day for January 8, 2018

Wikipedia picture of the day on January 8, 2018: Buller's Albatross (Thalassarche bulleri) with a Short-tailed Shearwater (Ardenna tenuirostris) behind, East of the Tasman Peninsula, Tasmania, Australia.

Saturday 6 January 2018

Picture of the day for January 7, 2018

Wikipedia picture of the day on January 7, 2018: Malakatyn River at Bolshoy Lyakhovsky Island, Sakha, Russia.

wide of the mark: Word of the day for January 7, 2018

wide of the mark , adj :
Of a projectile: missing the target. (idiomatic) (Very) inaccurate.

Friday 5 January 2018

Picture of the day for January 6, 2018

Wikipedia picture of the day on January 6, 2018: A narrow gauge steam locomotive of DR Class 99.77-79 No. 991777-4 at the Moritzburg railway station, Germany. This locomotive is used on the Radebeul–Radeburg railway (a German heritage railway). The railway maintains a year-round timetable and runs between Radebeul East station and the small towns of Moritzburg and Radeburg north of Dresden.

Thursday 4 January 2018

Picture of the day for January 5, 2018

Wikipedia picture of the day on January 5, 2018: The top station on Cime de Caron in France from south-east on January 5, 2015.

volition: Word of the day for January 5, 2018

volition , n :
A conscious choice or decision. The mental power or ability of choosing; the will. (linguistics) A concept that distinguishes whether or not the subject or agent intended something.

Wednesday 3 January 2018

Picture of the day for January 4, 2018

Wikipedia picture of the day on January 4, 2018: View of Selimiye Mosque (former St. Sophia Cathedral) from Shacolas Tower in Nicosia, Cyprus.

blossom: Word of the day for January 4, 2018

blossom , n :
A flower, especially one indicating that a fruit tree is fruiting; (collectively) a mass of such flowers. The state or season of producing such flowers. (figuratively) A blooming period or stage of development; something lovely that gives rich promise. The colour of a horse that has white hairs intermixed with sorrel and bay hairs. blossom v (intransitive) To have, or open into, blossoms; to bloom. (intransitive) To begin to thrive or flourish. Junichi Kakizaki, a Japanese floral artist, land and environmental artist, and sculptor, was born on this day in 1971.

Tuesday 2 January 2018

quacksalver: Word of the day for January 3, 2018

quacksalver , n :
(archaic) One falsely claiming to possess medical or other skills, especially one who dispenses potions, ointments, etc., supposedly having curative powers; a quack.

Picture of the day for January 3, 2018

Wikipedia picture of the day on January 3, 2018: A polar bear (Ursus maritimus) with its tongue sticking out at Franz Josef Land

Monday 1 January 2018

Picture of the day for January 2, 2018

Wikipedia picture of the day on January 2, 2018: First stage of a Falcon 9 Full Thrust rocket on Landing Zone 1 (LZ-1). The stage landed successfully after launching 11 Orbcomm OG-2 telecommunication satellites to Low Earth orbit.

cloud nine: Word of the day for January 2, 2018

cloud nine , n :
(idiomatic) Often in the phrase on cloud nine: a state of bliss, elation or happiness. (idiomatic, possibly nonstandard) A state of fantastic or impractical dreaming or thinking. Today is Nyinlong (Dzongkha ཉིན་ལོང་ (nyin long, “return of the sun”)), the winter solstice celebration in Bhutan which is considered the most auspicious day of the year. The concept of gross national happiness was developed in Bhutan in the 1970s.